When a loved one dies, it can be difficult to create a ceremony that is truly personal to them and which can honour their memory of who they were as a person and the life that they lived. This is often the case if they were not religious at all or were influenced by a multiple faiths in their lifetime.
Shanti Funeral Services in house Celebrant, Rhys Ubbi can help craft bespoke funeral or memorial ceremonies either in preparation for death or following the passing of a friend or family. In line with how the person lived their life, their funeral service can be non-religious, semi religious, or a spiritual funeral service.
As part of this service Rhys will liaise with yourself prior to the funeral and gather information about your loved one, finding out how the person lived their life, their personality traits, and the memories of mourners. Rhys will use this information gathered to lead the funeral service as a ‘celebration of life’ that honours the person’s memory.

Get in Touch
If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact our team who are always available to listen, advise and help. Fill out the form below, call us on 078927 39111 or email [email protected] and we will get back to you as soon as we can.